Set some photography goals for 2021 - you won't regret it
Lockdown, winter, cold and shorter days don't exactly have many of us grabbing our cameras and heading outside. Equipment is probably zipped in bags and shut in cupboards waiting to be set loose when we can actually go somewhere different and be inspired to take some photographs.
But that's how creativity and ability get rusty, when we neglect them and under use them. Could this not be the time to contemplate where we are, what new skills we would like to have or plan some new projects.
And we could kick off some of these now and use this time productively. If you are struggling for ideas and having trouble getting motivated then sit down somewhere comfortable with a brew and a fresh new notebook and take your first steps towards having your best year of photography ever.
If you'd like to record your photography goals during the course of a year then my brand new Photography Workbook "A Year with your Camera" is exactly what you need. With useful cheatsheets and ways to track your progress and your ideas it will really help you stay motivated and on track. Click on the button below to order for £12.50 from Amazon.

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