Regular practise is the ONLY way to improve
Of course you know this! It's not rocket science. But somehow you never seem to get the time. Or you start off with good intentions and then... oops! A month has gone by since you last picked up your camera or took any more than snapshots with your phone.
Or perhaps you’re just bored of the same old same old? You feel like there’s nothing worth photographing when you’re not going anywhere new? You just don't feel inspired or motivated.
Why the 365CLUB is the solution
- You will not be in this on your own. You will have a friendly, motivating community of people acting as your cheerleaders.
- You will be inspired by the photos that other people take and inspire them with yours.
- You'll get weekly motivational prompts and tips.
- You'll learn from the monthly critique.
- There'll be no pressure but just gentle encouragement and reminders to keep you on track.
- Through the course of the year you WILL see a big improvement.
- You will have a wonderful visual diary of 2024 by the end of the year.
How does the 365club work?
Join the 365club and get all the support you need to take part in the challenge in 2024.
Simply take a photograph every day with your camera or phone and post it into the Facebook group.
You do not have to edit and post the image the same day if you can't manage it.
Membership is just £10/mth and includes:
- Membership of a private Facebook group 'The 365club'.
- Weekly prompts and motivational tips to keep you shooting and posting.
- A monthly critique of my favourite images plus someone will be awarded 'My Favourite Shot Of The Month'.
I am a complete beginner. Is this for me?
It doesn't matter whether you are just starting out in photography or you are more experienced. The simple practice of taking a photograph daily will help everyone improve.
What happens if I miss a day?
You'll be given a detention! No, seriously, nothing will happen at all. Just carry on the next day. If you want to take it very seriously and do every day, you will get one Joker to play, as 2024 is a leap year.
When does the 365club start?
It starts officially on the 1st January 2024. The Facebook group will be live a few days beforehand to give you tips and reminders. However, you can join in at any time, should you miss the start.
What if I have an off day and only take a quick snapshot?
Still post it and congratulate yourself on still taking a photo. You'll probably find that it spurs you on to try to take something better the next day.
What if I decide I want to drop out part way through?
Just let me know and I will pause or cancel your membership from the next calendar month i.e., if you tell me in March you'll stop paying from April onwards. But I really hope you won't!
Can I just join in for the occasional month?
Yes of course! Sign up when you're ready to do a month and let me know when you'd like to stop and we'll pause or cancel your subscription.
Do I have to post the image on the same day?
Ideally but of course life has a habit of getting in the way! You can post the next day or even a few days later. Just label each image clearly with the date it was taken.
What happens at the end of the challenge?
You will be able to see that your photography has really improved, I promise. I will also suggest ways that you can print / share your year of photographs.
What other rules are there?
Absolutely none! Just do your best to take a photograph a day, if you want to get the most out of the 365club.
Hi, I'm Jane, professional photographer turned tutor, with an all-consuming love for photography and a passion for helping others to love it too!
I know that people learn best by doing and that loads of practice is the only way to become a better photographer. I also know that life gets in the way and it's only normal to get a bit stuck sometimes. That's why I believe this programme provides the perfect solution. You'll have me by your side the whole time to make sure you stay on track.