Love Your Lens Academy



Learn how to see, capture and edit stunning photographs.

Do you love photography and would love to be able to create amazing images?

But you’re finding it really hard and other people's images always seem so much better than yours? Or perhaps you feel stuck in a rut and have simply lost your 'mojo'.

You’ve got a good phone or camera but you’re not sure how to use it properly or whether you need to upgrade or buy new lenses or a tripod?

You don’t know where you are going wrong - you 'see' the image you want to capture but it just doesn't turn out like you imagined.

It’s all so frustrating and taking too long. There's so much to learn and you don't know where to start.

You want to be able to take really great photos that you can share and even print.

If this is how you feel then you are not alone. There are so many great photographers and it's easy to feel that you will never be any good.
The secret is to not compare yourself to other people, but only to yourself six months or a year ago.
And to get the right help - someone who show you step by step how to use your camera, compose and edit your images? Imagine how much faster your confidence and skills would grow.

You can do this. You just need the right training.

That's why I've created


From £25 per month

The Academy isn’t just an online membership

It's a friendly and lively hub where aspiring photographers like you can learn everything you need to be able to achieve your goals and dreams.

Where you can find out what equipment you need and how to use it. No more need to worry about buying the wrong lenses, making expensive mistakes or not knowing if a phone is enough. Just straightforward answers and solutions that suit YOU.

Where you can learn how to confidently use your camera or phone, without being bamboozled by jargon. How to capture beautifully sharp images and how to get those beautiful soft focus backgrounds.

Where you can learn how to shoot in all kinds of light conditions and make the most of great light.

Where you can learn step by step how to compose photographs that draw the viewer inWhere you can become a visual storyteller and take images that provoke an emotional response. 

Where you can find out how to edit your images and get expert advice on which software and apps are most suitable for you.

Where you can access helpful resources like checklists, videos and step by step guides.

Where you can get constructive, detailed feedback on your photographs and one to one online tuition.

And importantly...

Become part of a friendly and supportive community.

Where you can get ideas and inspiration, share your photographs, get feedback and ask questions.


You can come along to a fortnightly LIVE online masterclass.
During a typical masterclass:

We discuss a photography or editing technique or genre. Usually we will also set a goal or 'homework'.

You can take part in a critique of members' images.

Ask questions, look for advice and get inspiration from the other members.

You can come along to a fortnightly LIVE online masterclass.
During a typical masterclass:

We discuss a photography or editing technique or genre. Usually we will also set a goal or 'homework'.

You can take part in a critique of members' images.

Ask questions, look for advice and get inspiration from the other members.


Hi, I'm Jane, professional photographer turned tutor, with an all-consuming love for photography and a passion for helping others to love it too! 

Don't get overwhelmed and bamboozled by all the jargon and terms like f-stops, apertures, and focal lengths. I can teach you everything you need to know, in language that you'll understand and with tricks to help you remember and use time and again.

I'll share all my tips and experience with you and help keep you motivated and inspired.

All you need is a love for photography and oodles of enthusiasm.


Select your membership level and complete your subscription. You can cancel or pause it at any time. 


£25 per month

Fortnightly Group Masterclass

Membership of the private Facebook Group.

Access to expert resources.

Critique of 5 images per month.

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£40 per month

Fortnightly Group Masterclass

Membership of the private Facebook Group.

Access to expert resources.

Critique of 5 images per month.

A 20 minute one to one lesson via Zoom.


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